Tag Archives: fitness

The object of my attention

2 Oct

This morning, while on the xtrainer for 45 minutes, I spent an inordinate amount of time focussing on a pair of calves in front of me, and not of the bovine variety.

And strictly speaking, while I appeared to be focused on this pair of calves, I wasn’t actually ‘focussed’ on them, if you get my drift. I was looking but not ‘looking’.

I find when I am engaged in a monotonous activity, ie 45 minutes on a xtrainer, I might look like I’m staring at something ahead of me but actually I am zoning out. So it’s not that something in my line of sight has captured my attention, it’s usually because I’m a million miles away, lost in my thoughts, or immersed in the temporary discomfort of 30 second intervals, always a fun activity, says no-one ever.

So there I was, slogging away on the xtrainer focussing on the pair of calves in front of me – belonging to a guy on the xtrainer in the row in front of me. Nicely muscled and not too hairy now that I come to think of it…not that I was paying any attention. Really. Truly.

It just made me realise the things we inadvertently do when we’re focusing on something else. Normally I wouldn’t be so fixated on someone’s calves!


In a holding pattern

26 Sep

Right now I really do feel like I’m in a holding pattern…waiting…waiting…waiting. Seeing if anything can be done for my injury before I leave.

This morning was spent making an appointment for an MRI plus arthrogram. This involved time spent on hold, faxing referrals, more time on hold, and then calling the doctor’s surgery to notify them of the appointment date.

Suddenly everything seems so last minute which is unnerving me no end.

The MRI is now booked for Friday 11 October – 19 days out from departure. Talk about cutting things fine. Just add it to my ever-growing list of things to do before I go.

Which is probably why I’ve been awake since 3am this morning – my brain won’t switch off. Yes, I do have a list, several in fact. At the moment I am the queen of lists. But it still doesn’t make me feel any better.

But back to the gym this morning – the xtrainer was calling my name. We have an awfully close relationship these days – the xtrainer and me. For the first 15 minutes of the 45 minute workout there was no television to distract me – staff hadn’t got around to turning them on. So it was just me, the xtrainer and my music. Without the distraction of television I do tend to watch the clock and it was ticking over ever so slowly. However on the positive side I was not feeling as tired as I was yesterday (well, not until later in the day when the 3am wake up finally caught up with me…oh about…3pm) but I was still very happy when the 45 minutes finally clocked on and I could press STOP.

Hallelujah! Another workout done and dusted.

What I wouldn’t give to be able walk or run outdoors rather than being confined to the xtrainer. You don’t realise how much you miss doing these things until you can’t do it, and then you’d give anything to be able to do it. Ironic really.

As a result of my very early wake up and lack of success in getting back to sleep I really struggled through the afternoon. My head was practically hitting the desk around 3pm and it was only the assistance of several cups of coffee that kept me going until I could finally leave for the day. Here’s hoping I have a better sleep tonight.

A fugly workout

25 Sep

I cannot lie. It was a hard slog on the xtrainer this morning. Wading through mud would have been easier. I can’t believe how tired I felt and my legs just did not want to cooperate. But as per usual, I ignored the plaintive cries, sucked it up and struggled on. To distract myself and to pass the time I read the sub-titles on the television screen at the gym – it helped…marginally.

I made me think of a column Michelle Bridges wrote a couple of weeks ago, and got slammed for by some segments of the media and fitness industry, about how she said that working out is not all fun and smiles. That to hit your target heart rate, or anaerobic threshold, does involve some blood, sweat and tears. And it’s true. Exercise can be fun but it can also be bloody hard work at times. And it’s at those times that I’m not smiling or having a good old chuckle. Instead my heart rate is up, my muscles are screaming to stop and the sweat is pouring off me. But not every workout is like this (thank goodness) nor is the entire workout like this. But when I hit my anaerobic threshold heart rate it ain’t pretty but for fitness gains it’s necessary to do this from time to time.  There are people who I see regularly at the gym, sitting on bikes slowly pedalling and reading at the same time. There is a time and a place for everything but personally if I can read while pedalling then obviously I am not working hard enough and really…what’s the point of being there? There’s far more comfortable places to read.

Rant over. Back to the gym this morning and it was a hard workout, mentally as well as physically. A fugly workout.

This morning’s session was followed by a green smoothie for breakfast again (the recipe I used yesterday served 2). This time I added chia seeds which gave it some more bulk and it did fill me up. But I remain to be convinced that drinking my meal is the way to go.

Injury update

I saw the sports doc this afternoon. We went through the scans and report, he did some more diagnostic tests and it was agreed that a MRI was required, to determine whether it’s an adductor injury causing me grief, or a labral tear injury. The original injury, the hammy tear, is still there but not causing me any problems currently as I’m not running. So, I have to make an appointment for an MRI with contrast dye and local anaesthetic to be injected into my hip joint.

Stay tuned…



4 Sep

Today I’m stuck.

First of all I was stuck for a blog entry title. If I don’t have a title how do I know what to write about? A heading is like a signpost – it gives me an idea of which direction to go.

But then, what do I write about? Do I write just for the sake of writing? What have I done today, or yesterday, that’s worth writing about?

See? I’m stuck. Stuck for words. Stuck for ideas, inspiration. Stuck.

This morning I did go for my early morning walk with random 30sec jogs thrown in. For the first kilometre I walk. My hammy does not like or appreciate any jogging in the first kilometre. It needs to warm up first. Then for the next couple of kilometres I managed 2 x 30sec jogs with no problems. So then I tried for 3 x 30sec jogs from the third kilometre onwards. This seemed to work well, as long as I stayed on the flat. Any flat parts of the cycle path became an open invitation to break into a very slow, very gentle jog. I have lost a lot of strength in the left leg due the injury so it tires relatively quickly. I could not manage any more than 30 sec jogs at the moment. But at least I can manage to do at least a couple of jogs per kilometre. That must be some sort of progress.

However…and there’s always a ‘however’…or a ‘but’ when things seem to be moving along in a positive way. I have somehow managed to aggravate my hip when I was back home, well after my walk/jog. I’m not sure if I sat awkwardly or got up too quickly but its bloody sore around the hip area (on the same leg as the injured hammy). The only upside I can think of is that I am seeing the specialist this Friday. It looks like he might have a couple of things to treat. At the moment I am walking quite gingerly – bringing my left leg forward is painful. Ok I’m limping. Not good.

So I’m well and truly stuck at the moment. 😦


Spring has sprung

2 Sep

springToday is the second day of spring. As far as I could see it was a lovely day. I was indoors for most of it, busy at my desk with no view of the outdoors. The view from my window is a grim, grey and very boring brick and cement wall.

Yesterday, the first day of spring, I did a 23km walk. Now I can vouch for the fact that yesterday was a lovely day given that I spent 3.5 hours of it, in the afternoon, walking, walking, walking. Thank goodness I had arranged to meet Ruth for the Lake Ginninderra portion of the walk. Its so nice having company sometimes.

Actually, I didn’t realise how much I get in the zone, so to speak, when I’m doing one of my training walks. A couple of friends were out on their bikes yesterday, saw me from a distance and were calling out to me. But because they were behind me, I had my earphones in, and I was focussed on walking I never heard them. It wasn’t until I felt a bike slow down very close to me did I look up and see who it was!

The walk went ok. It was only the last 4km when Ruth and I went our separate ways, that I was finding it hard. I had slowed down because I was tired and the soreness was starting to settle in. It always feels harder when you’re on your own.

So 3.5hrs later I was home – actually it was probably closer to 4hrs later as we did stop for a cold drink and a sit down near the end. All I felt like doing once I got home was put my feet up and not move again. However, I had to have a shower and get ready as we were going out to dinner that night. At least I had walked up an appetite!

Dinner was with friends, Ruth & Mr B, and the Hares (who I had seen earlier when they out on their bikes!) at the Copa Brazilian Churrasco in Dickson. Due to a booking stuff up at SubUrban/Belluccis, we decided to try this restaurant and it proved to be a great choice. It was a lot of fun trying all the different barbecued meats on offer – from seafood to chicken to lamb to pork and to beef. Not a place for vegetarians! Mr CJ and I had been to a similar restaurant, Carnivore, in Singapore a few years ago.

Today was a rest day. Which is a good thing because I am really tired. I can’t believe walking can take that much out of me. I’m running walking on empty

Short & sweet

31 Aug

Sort of describes me! 🙂 Hehehe!

However I’m referring to today’s entry.

Up early for a 10km walk before breakfast. I couldn’t manage more than one lot of 30secs of jogging every kilometre today. Some days are better than others. It was very chilly this morning so I was wearing several layers. An amazing sunrise greeted me but I didn’t see the sun again until later in the morning.

Morning tea and lunch at the War Memorial cafe with wonderful friends. Truly I am blessed with great friends. I heard about the awesome run along the Birdsville Track by the amazing Steve. Over 500km in 8-9 days. Imagine that…getting up and running between 60-70km every day for just over a week. Mind boggling.

Weather-wise, it ended up being a beautiful day. I’m hoping tomorrow is the same as I have a 23km walk to do in the afternoon.


Tequila sunrise

28 Aug

“It’s another tequila sunrise…”

I’m not referring to the Eagles’ song, a 1973 song written by Don Henley and Glenn Frey, and recorded by the Eagles. It was the first single from the band’s second album Desperado. My dad loved the Eagles and so I heard this song a lot the year it was released. However don’t get me started on Neil Diamond’s Hot August Night album released in 1972 – my mum’s favourite. This was on high rotation on the stereo and to this day I can’t listen to a Neil Diamond song from that album without gagging. I am definitely not a Neil Diamond fan.

Tequila sunrise….it’s an indirect reference to the cocktail made with tequila, orange juice and grenadine and which it gets its name from the way the grenadine settles in the bottom of the glass, giving the impression of a sunrise. It was the drink of choice for a period of time during my misspent youth and to be honest, I don’t think I could even face one now, let alone drink it! Too many memories and not all of them good! Besides its so sickly sweet.

It was the sunrise this morning that reminded me of the Tequila Sunrise cocktail – funny how little things like that can bring back all sorts of memories. It was a gorgeous sky, just before the sun popped over the horizon. It was a bit chilly but my random 30 sec jogs soon warmed me up. I think I am improving on these short jogs though I still can’t do more than 30 secs. However I can string a couple relatively close together, with only short walking breaks between, as long as it’s done on the flat. I’m finding that jogging up or down hill still doesn’t work for me.

Had a lovely lunch with Ruth at Shorty’s – a new bar/cafe in Civic where Milk & Honey used to be. Had a great cappuccino even it it did have chocolate on the top 🙂 Both of us had the chicken skewers on corn tortillas with avocado, lettuce, tomato and mayo. Wasn’t the most elegant dish to eat as my tortillas disintegrated when I tried wrapping the filling to eat them.


Sunny Sunday

25 Aug

I can almost smell spring time…it’s on it’s way!!! The blossoms are just starting to open and soon there’ll be an explosion of colour and wonderful scents once spring kicks into high gear. Spring in the capital also means variable weather – one day gorgeous, the next day abysmal. And the wind – cold, gusty, straight off the alps. But when the sky is blue, the wind is calm, it’s a lovely time to be outdoors.
Sunday walk
I decided a change of scenery was in order so I decided to walk one of my old running routes which takes my up the back of Hawker, a suburb in Belconnen. It’s a bush walk and there were a few hills which I managed to hobble up. The view over to the ranges is spectacular and I never tire of it. There were quite a few mountain bike cyclists out on the trails, one that flew by me without warning. There were also mobs of kangaroos out, always alert for the slightest hint of danger.

Sunday breakfast
We went out to Braddon, an inner city suburb, for breakfast this morning. This was payment for doing Mr CJs tax return (I had already been taken out for breakfast by sons #1 and #2 respectively in previous weeks). We decided to have breakfast at Delissio’s mainly because it was the quietest and we were guaranteed of getting a table. Elk & Pea, our first choice, was packed and meant waiting around for a table. I had hash browns with avocado, bacon and roasted tomato with sour cream and sweet chilli sauce. Unfortunately the hash browns were the pre-packaged, McDonald’s type of hash browns whereas I had been hoping for the handmade sort. The rest of the dish was delicious and the coffee was great.

Sunday cooking
This afternoon was spent food prepping for the week: roasting sweet potatoes, pumpkin and beetroot. Par steaming broccoli. The roasted sweet potato and pumpkin were then puréed, portioned into glad bags and frozen. Beetroot was quartered and also frozen. Same with the broccoli.

Made an awesome 45sec chocolate and salted caramel pudding tonight for dessert using this recipe from the Drizzle & Dip blog. However the caramel disappeared into the pudding as it cooked. So next time (and there will be a next time!) I’ll add more caramels.

(Photograph – Samantha Linsell, samanthalinsell.com)

Happy feet

24 Aug

My feet are feeling the love. I have found a pair of shoes that are really comfortable for walking, they’re light, and there’s more room around my forefoot.

And the best thing is I didn’t have to buy a new pair of shoes.

I was originally wearing my Asics GT 2170s but these gave me lots of grief, especially during last week’s long walk. My right big toe nail is still recovering from the bruising walk. There were a few nights in the past week when I was woken by the throbbing underneath my toe nail. Oh so painful.

So anyway this week I’ve been wearing my Asics Gel DS Trainers. Bliss I tell you, utter bliss. They are so comfortable and cushiony. And my toes aren’t getting a battering. 🙂

During the week I’ve been walking around 7km most days but this afternoon I did a 12km walk. I didn’t experience any problems with my feet. So fingers crossed I’ve found the perfect shoe for endurance walking. And I managed a 30sec jog every kilometre – total of 12 x 30sec jogs today. 🙂

This morning I did my weights session at the gym. I enjoy going to the gym on a Saturday morning because its so quiet, compared to the peak hour traffic on week days. I have the choice of machines and weights. And benches. During the week guys hog the benches and don’t willingly give them up.

I increased the weights today so I had to reduce the reps on some of the exercises. The goal is to gradually increase the reps as I get stronger.



20 Aug

Is it just me but the day after a rest day I find it really hard to get motivated to get up early and to the gym, or out for a walk, or whatever other physical activity I had planned. It’s like give me an inch and I’ll take a mile. In other words, give me a rest day and I’ll find any excuse to extend it. Blame it on the inner sloth!

So if you hadn’t caught on by now, this was my usual early morning inner psychological warfare waging again. Get up, no stay in bed, get up, no stay in bed, GET UP, !@#$%^ Ceasefire!

Hmm, guess what won out! Yes it was a case of JFDI (just freakin’ do it) this morning. Get up, dress up, show up and get active. Once I was at the gym I decided to make the most of the hour I give myself to get through my workout, so it was heavier weights, faster reps, longer intervals, fewer rests.

And as usual, by the time I left the gym, I was glad I’d made the effort. Sound familiar?!
